Tuesday, November 28, 2006

stupid ming

ming! you suck!

allow me to TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

ming is very accurate in saying that the sensor things went off everytime we walked into or out of a shop, but did she say WHY? AHAHHA.

it's all MINGGY'S fault! hahaha. it's because she had this daft book in her bag, which kept setting off the alarms! so everytime we went into a shop we had to throw the darn book over those white poles which detect errrr stolen goods. throw throw throw. until we got to BORDERS and the man at the counter figured out that the BARCODE WAS STILL STUCK ONTO THE INSIDE OF THE BOOK!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

and the funniest thing, was tt everytime we walked out of a shop, like stadium, or topshop, or fila, the alarm went off, so the security guards had to come and check her bag!! hahaha the BEST one was in topshop, where this volumptous dark woman security guard came out, trying to look all fierce, but she was wearing a santa hat and looked soooo stupid! and ming always just opened her bag wide and said SEE SEE! NOTHING! hahahahahhah

ooooh but she's right about dee. dee LURVVVVES shiny stuff. and huge fluffy bags, where the fluff is actually an armpit cleaner. haahah. she wants to be an astronaut, i'm sure.

how's all your holidays? i am starting work soon! like next friday. coz i have youthcamp before that. ahahahaha. money money. sadly i'd get paid less than ming. but my boss is my friend so i guess thats ok. woot woot.


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