Sunday, November 12, 2006


let's run with perseverence. even better, let's sprint ahead (: you know like how you always run like crazy at the last round during the 2.4.

everyone's writing in grey. but you know and i know and we know that colour is important in life! so HALLO (: oh and i bolded the words too. haha we need a little cheer to liven things up a little.

don't give up now, just a ffeewww (eww. ahha) more days of mugging. (: and even as we mug let's do it with a joyful spirit cos we're honouring our God! oh and for those who are christians remember to do your quiet time k? you need it if you don't wanna feel like a deflated balloon at the end of each day. i can attest to that. haha (:

i feel like some kind of cheerleader. rah rah.

and because it just happens to be in my head; between now and then, till i see you again i'll be loving you, love me.

though i'll be seeing some of you tomorrow. haha

okokok byebye (:


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