Thursday, November 16, 2006

heyhey peeps! whoohooo. only a couple of hours left for you guys!!!!!

oh goodness! today was super funnn! hahah crystal is soooo interesting when she's outta school.

we were eating subway and crystal kept dropping her food and getting mayonnaise all over her mouth. and we were like "CRYSTAL! WIPE YOUR MOUTH!" then she takes up the drink to take a sip, after which she goes, "I'M GONNA BE THE MERLION!" [translation: i'm gonna spurt everything out!]
after which, mu goes: i feel so demure.
and then crys goes: ONE will ALL...SEE the CHANGE..

me: crystal, i've realised that you actually walk quite chorlorly.
crys: HUH?? we shall see...when i go up the stage on founders day with poise and elegance
mu: i bet you'll trip.

mu pokes crystal with zai's hanger
crys: EHHHH. i don't crave the touch of a hanger!

mu: which ben and jerry's is the nicest?
dee: cookie dough
crys: NO! that is the most HORRIBLELEST one!

hahaha, there were so much more, but i can't remember them. ahhaha, anyway, it was really amusing to see crystal in her craze.
alrightalright! study hard you guys, about 16 hours and 19 minutes left!

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