Tuesday, February 28, 2006

i wonder what colour this font would turn out. the number code just happened to be in my head.
anyway look grace! i'm not studying (: that's because i'm sick and my mum has given me permission to take a break.
see! wonders of bacteria! okay so yeah guys.

for no matter what happens, no matter when they happen, where they happen, we will have each other to lean on.

i know friendships are easily forged and easily broken especially if we don't all end up in the same jc. and university. and everything. you know. what i mean. its hard to keep friendships going strong and ablaze.

but! but but but. we're the crapbags. if we can't hold on then who can? i think i shall rephrase that in a more positive manner: we're .. the crapbags. and the crapbags will never be the crapbags without the .. crap. and the bag. and the s. i suppose.

eh what am i talking about ah? sorry, i'll get back to you later. my brain is kinda frying up there.

okay the point is that. actually im not really sure what my point is either. alright then i think i shall stop.

i shall talk about something i am more familiar with. everybody! study hard for the olevels and don't ever think of giving up. the journey will be tough but with God and each other as pillars of support, there's nothing in the world we cannot do!

yayayayayay. i feel extremely daft in this post. i shall resume my intelligence once i recover, and then i can redeem myself for this post.

in the meantime, i found this really really cool verse.

i can't really remember where it was from. i shall go google it now. aah. here it is:

"but by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope." - Galatians 5:3. so though times may be tough for some of us now, just remember.

we have God. and we have each other. (: i do wonder what colour this font will be.

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