Tuesday, February 28, 2006

haha, let me tell you about my weekend! on sun, i wanted to eat curry and bread together for dinner. so following my mum's instructions, i put the bread into the microwave oven, hoping that it will be nice and crispy! then i put 170 degrees, and i think i accidentally put 10 hours instead of 10 mins. haha, meanwhile i went to watch tv. and the next thing i knew, i could smell burning smell. my mum opened the oven and ho and behold, smoke came out and filled the whole house la! it was really choking and my bread was all black and hard. haha, the oven was partly burnt too! i was laughing like mad, even though my mum was scolding me. this just shows that i can't cook for nuts. and i am fitted for a life of a tai tai. hahaha.=) my mum bans me from using the oven from now on. and i had to eat bread that was not nice and crisp! but, it was definitely an experience. a fun one, in fact. now, on to some serious stuff.

there's been a lot going on in school. things on the surface seem fine, but they are not.. what can i do? i guess i feel a little sad, cos how did it turn out like that?
a note for tessa, we all worry for you. we love you so pls dun tire yourself out yeah... till later.
luv, grace

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