Monday, November 19, 2007

i'm so dead for my piano exam ):
you see my bach piece wasnt in syllabus so i had to write to the exam board in london to get my programme approved..then after it was approved about 6 months back, i just discovered 3 weeks ago that my programme was overtime!
and you get penalised for overtime which is about (dunno how many marks) but it still can distinguish between a pass and a fail!
so anyway, i assumed since the five movements of bach i submitted was all approved, i could take out 3 mvts and just play the other 2.
and THEN
shock shock horror horror i just called the piano guy TODAY three days before my exam, and realised that i can't anyhow change my programme!
he said it's approved as a whole thing and you can't take out anything you like! so i'm left with no choice but to play everything and get penalised for overtime (not to mention bad playing)
i've been desperately practising my other 3 mvts today which i've abandoned rather long ago. sighhh. and i'm really unprepared for the rest of my pieces too..
please pray for my exam k i really dont wanna waste my parents' money ):):):
its this thurs 5.20pm.
VERY SORRY CHAR i cant make it for arabian nights ): but all the best and i'll be praying for you!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Phil 4:13
please grant me the faith to believe!

missing you guys,

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