Sunday, July 13, 2008

hello friends! how have you all been doing??
i know i've kinda been missing in action recently, but it's not my fault! with frisbee like bout 4 times a week, it's no wonder that i don't even have time to study much less catch up with you friends! but i promise, after prelims, i will be back in action, and you all will be able to enjoy my company once again! (:
you know my throat feels terrible right now. my sister says it's some lympnox thing or something that sounds like that. somebody who does bio go check it out! it hurts to even swallow water maybe. ah well.

hope everyone's not too stressed studying for prelims and all. i know i am. but well. another milestone to go then we'd all be in uni and on the path to our careers! haha. which reminds me i've yet to know what i want to study. but i know that i'd probably just want to marry some rich guy and start my own business. like a cafe or something! haha. but ethel's classmates were talking, and they think that i'd end up being some power career woman, who doesn't want to marry my boyfriend because i want to focus on my career, and i wouldn't want kids because they'd just be a distraction and interfere with everything. haha oh well.

anyway have fun friends. i must go do tutorials.

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