Tuesday, May 08, 2007

[YAY i got into blogger!!] *victory dance*
hello crapbags!!!
i havent posted here for the longest time. how's everyone doing so far??
im fine in hc..but i miss you guys LOTS:/ i cant find anyone i can really connect to in class..i guess it takes time..but i cant really imagine sharing my problems and stuff with any of them. oh well.
but i really thank God i still have you guys(:
i think not having close friends in a non-christian school makes you feel lonely sometimes ): even when you appear to be chatting happily in a group about how bio test is finally over or how nice the weather is that day, you still feel isolated inside.
i miss mg.
but then again, i shouldnt complain cause my class IS a nice class! and i thank God so much for putting me in my class(: i always took it for granted until i was talking to an mg senior that day who's in hc and she said that her class was quite separated..and that i'm fortunate to have such a united class cause not many classes are like that, especially after 2nd intake. there was only one newcomer in my class but she was in hc for 1st 3 months so she fit in quite well.
my class won the inter-ct track and field championship cause we got the most number of points! not because we can run or anything but because we all participated in like at least 2 events each. all the girls signed up for 100m sprint! and there was one race where all 8 lanes were occupied by my class people. hahaa.
i cant wait for june hols(:
its so fast half a year has gone by already..argh. do we grow up at an exponential rate?
anyway, all the best for rockac eliza!! and how were the ac council election results?
okay i gtg now..study for bio spa and try to understand monopolies:/
take care guys!!!!

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