Sunday, January 20, 2008

how's everyone been!
i hope school's not stressful yet..its only been a month since the year started! i cant wait for CNY. (: or rather any break from school. haha. i've been coming back at six-ish everyday except for thursday..i guess it makes me more appreciative when weekends come though.
i miss you guys:/ especially people like nureen and yvonne who didnt come for the last crapbag gathering and whom i havent seen for AGES. actually i havent seen all of you for ages. except for zhiwei(: sigh. i hope we all stay close for a longlong time. even when we enter uni, get married and have kids in the future, we must always meet up regularly! and our kids must meet each other! we can form a playgroup called crapbag juniors! hahaha.
the future's so uncertain that often old friends are the ones you turn to for support and a sense of comfort. i dunno how you all feel about the crapbaggang anymore but i still feel that you guys have been and will always be the group closest to my heart(:
i really hope to keep in touch with each of you guys individually even though we hardly see each other all each mean something special to me and i thank God so much for every crapbag who's touched my life in a different way!
please know that whenever you guys need someone to talk to or vent your frustrations on or complain about life, i'll be here for you, and you'll never be a bother.
take care people:D


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