Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why, hello everyone! i havent posted in a while.
want to know something? i actually came to this 'new post' page like three times before, wrote two lines and deleted the whole thing.
this is good progress. im on to my third line! HEH! anyway. i had my final interview today. it was pretty nervy. i felt really dumb during the whole thing. i think interviews are always like that. i dont know why but i always end up walking away from them feeling so stupid. sigh sigh
rightio. we havent met up in ages huh? since like.. WE GOT BACK OUR RESULTS! oh gosh, wow. that was light years ago. guys, are we getting a little lazy??tsk tsk
oh right. is nic coming on wednesday with us? i think its really time for us to include her dont you think? haha i think i have really gotten to know nicole alot better during these first three months, with her being in my class and all. SHE IS SO HILLARIOUSLY FUNNY. hahha in annoying sort of way. haha she'll like murder me if she found out i called her annoying.
like whine me to death or something.
ANYWAYS im absolutely looking forward to mu's bday on wednesday! cant wait to see all ya'll again! woah. that was so american. i have no idea where that came from...ehem. excuse me.
sigh. i miss zai. aiya. i MISSS all of you so much. much much.MUCH.

later, crappers...baggers? bags? craps? creeps? ah whateverla.. you get it!

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