Monday, December 18, 2006

hello hello!

christmas is coming. a whole new year is coming. new friends we will make but old friends we shall never forget.

mr lohs wedding was yesterday. so sa-weeet!! i miss mr loh!! hes so sweet! and hes showing the video we made for his propasal at his reception wedding tonight. ohgosh so embarrassing. everyone had to say one reason why debbie shld marry him and i said ' because hes oh-so-hot' . everyones going to see.but nevertheless its funny. treasure the times we had making it. so funy.

alright..everyone faster get back frm the holidays. then we can meeet up. okay i hope everyones satisfied with what jc they got. even if ure not.. who knows it might be for the better. we can meet new friends too. okayy.. love you all lots. ta!


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