Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hello everyone!

Hasn't it just been eons since i last wrote something here! Anyway, the reason I'm doing this now at this weird hour is because i'm at home! No, crystal, i'm not skipping Chinese again. I have turned over a new leaf! Actually, I'm at home because yesterday i sprained my ankle in school!! Oh the trauma! Let me amuse you (and maybe evoke a little sympathy) by recounting my terrible experience. It was this stupid lit classmate's fault, who i will kindly decline to name, because he was saying something at the top of the steps at the North Lodge and i was looking at him, instead of where i was going! I concede that perhaps i am a tad uncoordinated, but still! He should know better than to talk to somebody when they're going down a rather steep filght of steps, no?! So i guess you can guess what happened? I missed a step and, quite unglamourously, might i add, twisted my ankle! We're talking seriously twisted here. As in, I had the absolute horror of hearing my ankle bone crack! Please bear in mind, I am not exaggerating, although some of you are probably quite skeptical at this point. I promise you, it went C-R-A-C-K! I can't tell you how freaked out i was! Can you imagine, considering how my poor ankles are all the way down there and my poor ears are all the way up here, how terribly distraught i must have been to hear such a loud crack?? It was louder than any other bone crack i have heard throughout my 17 years of existence. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

However, very unfortunately, nicole's misery did not end there! Oh no, it was not to be! Even after twisting my ankle, and hobbling very awkwardly for quite a distance, my dear good classmates still believed that i had sustained no injury whatsoever! Preposterous i say!! They called me the girl who cries wolf!! It was only after lit, and i said it really really hurt, that they started to have the slightest, remotest idea that maybe i AM injured! So one of my classmates, being ever so helpful, thought he was some exotic bone healer or whatever, and took it upon himself to fix my ankle. He took my foot and began pressing it at all places! This had, to his surprise (for he genuinely thought he was a professional), and my extreme unsurprise, aggravated it. So poor me was left to limp around school in agony for the rest of the day until my mum came to pick me up. Even then, i was not to be left alone to wallow in self-pity! My mother brushed it off like it was nothing at all and said it was a 'simple sprain'. Well, i don't know what's so simple about nicole (her only daughter, mind you) in pain! And the icing on my cake? My dad was laughing at my new way of walking and hopping around. Oh wait, there's a cherry on top! I was in the doctor's office for TWO short minutes, after which he concluded that it was nothing serious. I'll tell you about serious. Being stuck awake the whole night in bed, because you can't find a suitably comfortable position to fall asleep in! That's serious. Did i mention that i can't even move it now?

Okay i shall stop boring you with graphic details of my anguish. Moral of the story: nicole in the North Lodge is like a bull in a china shop. I just realised i wrote two huge chunks. It's like an essay. I bet i now hold the record for longest post! At least something good came out of it! Well, what do you expect me to do having noone to talk to all day except the maid, when i'm stuck at home? Actually, to be precise, i'm stuck in my chair since i can hardly go anywhere, thanks to my distressed ankle. If you've made it this far, you're either really concerned about me, or you take pleasure in my pain. Let's hope, for my sake and yours, it's the former. And if it is, heaven forbid, the latter, at least i've cheered you up! But then again, you all probably didn't make it till here. Anyway, i've got to go read Great Expectations now. See you guys!

Lots of love,

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