Tuesday, August 07, 2007

your guardian angel was stuck in my head too! my favourite line is "i'll be there for you through it all", not the others, cos when i thought about the lyrics "i will never let you fall, i'll stand up with you forever" i realised that well sometimes we have to fall. we gotta fall so that we can learn to stand up again. and we will inevitably fall time and time again, because life is never always peachy.

God never promised that He will never let us fall, cos He does. He lets us fall for a variety of reasons, which all aim to draw us closer to Him. He did promise, however, to never leave us nor forsake us, and that He will be our comfort, our strength, and our solid rock. He never promised we wouldn't fall, but He promised He'd pick us up! in our weakness, He is strong. it is at our most vulnerable moments that we can look up and marvel at how awesomely powerful our God is in comparision. we become strong by leaning on Him, not by standing up on our own.

ironic, isn't it. (:

i've fallen many times, especially this year. but i've learnt from each scrape or bruise, and i can say that i've become stronger. so although those times weren't the best, i'm not looking back with bitterness, but with the knowledge that He carried me through, and that all He did was for a purpose, which is slowly unravelling itself. its quite cool when you abide in Him and see His plan for you unfold before your eyes, and amazing to see His hand guide you in your every step. God will never give us more than we can bear. He is forever faithful. so take heart, all you guys who don't seem to see any light at the end of this dark long gloomy tunnel that you see yourself in. you Will be fine. God says so. (:

i'm so thankful for you guys. i thank God that us being friends was in His plan for my life. you guys are so special, i'm so proud of you, in your own special way. see you soon!

like a new born baby, don't be afraid to crawl. and remember when you walk, sometimes we fall. so fall on Jesus, and live.

- char.

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