yay we're finally meeting this friday:D
anyway my point of blogging again is because of this inspirational testimony i heard today. it left me quite in awe so i shall share my awe with you all(:
a few years back i met this girl who was working in SYFC..okay it wasnt a girl it was a young woman of 20 plus who was going to get married already haha. when she was 19, she was offered this super prestigious music scholarship to study in some uni in London (cant rmbr which). it was fully paid for and encompassed everything she could want. music was her interest, her talent, her passion, and the music scholarship was a total dream come true. plus, her family wasnt very well off either.
BUT after much consideration, she turned it down.
her reasons: 1. she was afraid the scholarship would get to her head and she'd become proud about it.
2. she was afraid music would become her idol
3. she wanted to serve in SYFC and if she went overseas she wouldnt have that opportunity.
so she declined the offer and went to study sociology in NUS.
anyway during that period of time when she could have been overseas, something happened in her family that needed her help. if she hadnt, um i dont exactly know what would have happened, but she was glad she was in singapore to be with her family.
so that testimony struck chords in my heart today and the echoes of it are still reverberating. i mean, the music scholarship was everything she could ever want yet she turned it down because she didnt want anything to tempt her from her relationship with God.
she didnt want to take up the offer because she was afraid she'd become proud.
she didnt regret not taking up the scholarship because she'd rather be serving God in SYFC and be with her family.
i'm just awed by her decisions. cause apparently everyone around her that time was like WHAT you didnt take up that scholarship! it may have been foolishness in the eyes of the world, but it sure wasnt in God's eyes. today she's happily married, a full-time mom and expecting her second kid((:
i'm glad for her.
that testimony left me thinking about my priorities- do i strive to please God or to gain accomplishments for myself? its so hard to do the former, especially when the world will point fingers at you and label you as foolish/unconventional/irrational/stupid.
but i guess ultimately, what the world thinks of you shouldnt bother you at all..
"for has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" (1 Cor 1:20) &
"the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight." (1 Cor 3:19)
well i hope this testimony will be an inspiration to you guys as much as it was to me- evidence that God DOES bless those who step out in faith,holding on to nothing else but Him; that God will seem even more real to us if only we are willing we take the first leap.
i really admire that girl.
anyway i hope all your prelim results were okay? even if they arent, dont worry cause you've got an empathizer here whose prelim results arent gonna be! hahaha so anytime you wanna rant about how you could have done better, call me cause i can rant with you and we'll rant until we're satisfied(:
hahaha alright liverpool's playing stoke city right now i'm off to watch! :D